Chen Chen

Chen Chen

Doctor, Associate Professor, Master Tutor

Research fields: history of Chinese painting and calligraphy, research on ancient painting, calligraphy& cultural relics identification, cultural relics exhibition planning, museum management, museum education, cultural& creative production, and research on the Palace Museum.

Associate Professor, Master Tutor in Department of Cultural Relics and Museums, School of History and Culture; Director of Museum and Art Collection Research Center, Tianjin Normal University; research and identification expert of painting and calligraphy cultural relics in Tianjin Museum, cultural relics curator; Chairman of Cultural Relics and Museum Aesthetic Committees, Tianjin Aesthetic Society; Member of the Standing Committee of Youth Committee, Chinese Association of Museums; Visiting scholar of the Palace Museum.

Chen Chen was admitted to the major of Chinese Painting in the Department of Oriental Art, School of Art, Nankai University in 2003. He was directly recommended to study for a master's degree in History of Fine Arts, Nankai University after graduation in 2007. He received a degree of Master of art in 2009. He graduated from the School of Economics, Nankai University with a Doctor's degree in economics in 2014 afterwards. His research direction is art identification & investment.

He has been engaged in the research of museums, calligraphy and painting cultural relics for more than ten years. He once worked in the Research Department of Calligraphy and Painting of Tianjin Museum and he is responsible for the identification of calligraphy and painting cultural relics, cultural relics storage, exhibition planning, social education and so on. He has managed more than 100,000 pieces of ancient cultural relics. He has planned more than 50 cultural relics exhibitions. He has published 6 academic monographs and more than 50 academic papers, presided over 3 national and provincial scientific research projects, and researched more than 2,000 museums at home and abroad.

He won the "Special Prize" in Tianjin University Young Teachers’ Teaching Competition and the "Labor Medal" of Tianjin in 2018. He was awarded as the third-level talent of Tianjin "131" Innovative Talent Training Project In 2019. He was awarded "China's Young Good Netizens" by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League in 2020. He won the first Prize, Teaching Academic Innovation Award and Teaching Activity Innovation Award in the First National University Teachers' Teaching Innovation Competitionin Tianjin District in 2021. He won the first prize in National University Teachers’ Teaching Innovation Competition in Tianjin District and the Youth Medal in 2023.

Major representative works:

The History of Chinese Painting Can Be Learned in this Way ,published by Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2018.
Appraisal of Xiao Shao's Painting and Calligraphy , published by Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House, 2018.
International Painting Collection in Tianjin Museum , published by Cultural Relics Publishing House, 2017.
Ancient Painting Hepta Prism , published by Jiangsu Phoenix Literature and Art Publishing House, 2022.
How to Understand a Museum?  Beijing Yanshan Publishing House, 2023.